From the point of view of a fellow traveler
The idea of a retreat in Hawaii came up very spontaneously and then very quickly. Well, if you know it's good then "go"! That's what I thought and on the day of departure I arrived at Zurich airport with my suitcases packed full. Expectant and eager to see what the next four weeks would bring us, we awaited our flight.
I was in such a joyful mood that nothing could dampen it. Not even the fact that I was a bit cramped in the window seat, from where I had to ask my seatmates to get up during the whole 10-hour flight. But they didn't hold it against me. My joyful mood was apparently contagious.
The arrival at the stopover airport San Francisco was then a revelation for me. An inexplicable feeling of home came over me completely unexpectedly. I was simply happy. This despite the fact that we had to fight our way through passport control for hours. But I did not care. Even the fact that there were now another six hours of flying ahead of us until we would finally reach Honolulu was irrelevant. That the arrival in Honolulu would top the "home feeling" again was then really not to be expected, but it was so. The landing and the arrival on Oahu remain unforgettable in any case.
In our first residence, an incomparably cheerful receptionist was waiting for us. We simply felt fully welcome and in the right place. Also the first day, where we mainly explored Waikiki, was just soothing and healing. Just like the days afterwards on Oahu. This island conveyed lightness and the feeling of "everything is good the way it is".
When we moved to the next island "Big Island" after these wonderful days, we felt nourished in body and soul. Already upon arrival at the airport of Hilo, a visible change of energy was noticeable. I wonder if it was because it was raining and gloomy or where did the sudden dramatic mood come from? The first accommodation was then very adapted to the existing atmosphere. Goodbye lightness of Oahu, welcome drama of Big Island. For the group, this situation first turned into a bigger challenge. This was intensified when we arrived at the next accommodation, in the middle of the Volcano area. The elemental force of the volcano reached the group. An irrepressible force finally made the members "break out". A first unbelievably healing challenge, which we all mastered brilliantly. As if in gratitude, we were then rewarded with a great next accommodation. A spacious, wonderful apartment in Kona. Right in front of the balcony the high waves of the Pacific Ocean piled up and reached us but only energetically, because physically they always subsided before. Gone is the gloomy east coast, welcome is the bright and powerful west coast. Driving along the splendidly developed Saddle Road, we then reached, among others, the two volcanoes Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. How powerful and deeply touching this island had on us, we could really grasp only when we have long since moved on.
As our next destination we chose the island of Kauai. Fulfilled, but also challenged by "Big Island" we hoped for some relaxation. Well, hope dies last. Kauai is for the most part a jungle area, in which we sank again and again. One can imagine that this depth also spread to our souls and we did some lasting soul work. Challenging, sometimes difficult, but in the end incredibly liberating, satisfying. For sure, soul-wise each of us moved to a next level during this time. Simply "wow!" As a reward, we also visited Waimea Canyon, whose panoramic views and high points allowed us to catch our breath. Incredibly invigorated, we then moved on to the next island.
Welcome to Maui. Already upon arrival, a completely different climate awaited us. No more jungle, but vastness, wind and also lightness. A feeling of "we have arrived" spread. So we spent the last days at beautiful places, beaches and worked out at the same time a resume of this unique outer and inner journey.
My conclusion: Whatever I have achieved in my life so far, socially and spiritually, will never come close to this physical, mental and spiritual experience that I was able to experience on the occasion of this unique retreat in Hawaii. Thank you, thank you, thank you!