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Soulcenter Office
Coaching (Together on site)
Coaching Online (via Zoom)
Coaching by walking ​
We start in our office, at your home or in a location of your choice.
Together we start to plan your life path and we find out where we can support and accompany you.




Classic single session 60min coaching:

in the office CHF 180.00

via Zoom CHF 150.00

while walking CHF 120.00




These offers are not recognized by health insurance companies. Payment is made directly after the session in cash or via Twint.

Coaching Methods
Solution and resource oriented
On your way through life, you have already acquired so many skills and strengths. Unfortunately, you often do not recognize or acknowledge them yourself.
Maybe we have forgotten our strengths, never had the chance to live them out or they were even sold to us as weaknesses. Together we want to get to know them, bring them out and acknowledge them so that each person can live their best version of themselves.
Sometimes just a change of perspective or a different way of looking at things can help us to recognize lost strengths and abilities again and then live accordingly.
With the right questions and other helpful tools, we will go on your journey together and you will be surprised what is already inside you.
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