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Leere Leinwand, Basel-Stadt Schweiz
1 coach / introduction and guidance / 3h Intuitive Painting / material / coffee, tea, water
Course dates:
Saturday 13:30-16:30 (exact dates to follow).
For whom is this course:          
Anyone who wants to realize that the canvas is the key to our subconscious mind
Course duration: 
2 ½-3 hours
Number of participants:          
Minimum 3, maximum 5 people
CHF 190.00
Painting yourself is unthinkable for you!

Different access to the innermost -  without words - understand  

Course location: Basel / Baselland


"But I can't paint at all! I'm not creative at all!" I used to think that too and then I just started. Today I can't imagine my life without painting.
Through painting we can find access to closed regions in ourselves. Painting is a key to our subconscious.
We can paint consciously - with a fixed image in our mind. Or we can stand at the canvas and wait to see what comes out. Then we are suddenly in the middle of it when the picture as in the flow - without switching on the head and thinking about how and where exactly something goes - simply arises on the canvas. This is Intuitive Painting or rather a conversation with us.


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