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From the light


When the pain and suffering first visited me, I lovingly took them in. I nurtured and cared for them. They thrived exquisitely under my care and grew bigger and more splendid. I loved them and they loved me. The people around me became aware of this as well. They were happy for me and were always there for me. The amount of people around me who were happy with me became more numerous every day. I had a lot of attention and we were all doing well.

Then, one day the sorrow and pain left me. I was unspeakably sad about it and felt lonely and useless. That was a very difficult time for me. Only slowly I was able to understand that they were gone for good and at some point I began to arrange myself without them.

So it happened that joy and love knocked on my door. It was nice to have visitors again and again I received them with love and care. I was very anxious to make them feel good and granted them almost every wish. The only strange thing was that this time almost no one was interested in my visit. The people around me avoided me and didn't want to deal with the joy and love at all. This made me think and also a little sad. Only a few people remained with whom I discussed my situation. I didn't even realize it at first, but I felt increasingly more comfortable and secure than ever before. Until one day I realized that I had found true friends.

Do you know this? When we are not doing so well, discouraged and without strength, there are often several comforting friends available. But when we come into our full power, have a wonderful radiance and enjoy life anew every day, then many people withdraw from you. Your powerful light is unbearable for many. It reminds them too much of their own inadequacy. But instead of resenting them, it is important that you continue to take care of your strength and health in the long term. So that in the future also despondent people are seized by your light and are willing to come into their own power.



(Show yourself)  

Be yourself, with all your rough edges, with all your quirks, with all your beauty.


(The foundation)

Live your life, don't let yourself be imprisoned by thoughts or guidelines. Live your way of life as it is right for you.


(Individual life path)

Enjoy every detour and every detour that you encounter on your life path. All these detours are important and help you to discover new things again and again and to develop yourself constantly.



Ohana is the Hawaiian word for family, acquaintances, circle of friends; to be related. Ohana includes all people who mean something to you and is not limited to blood relations.

Together we can support and accompany each other, especially when we feel alone and lost. Together we can make the world a unique and beautiful place.


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