(The masks fall off - show YOU)
Be yourself with all your rough edges, with all your quirks, with all your love, with all your beauty
(The foundation)
Live your life, don't let yourself be locked in by thoughts or guidelines. Live your life journey as it is right for you.
(individual life path)
Enjoy every branch and every detour that you encounter on your life's journey. All of these detours are important and help you to discover new things again and again and to develop yourself further.
Together we can support and accompany each other, above all, When we feel lonely and lost Together we can make the world a unique and beautiful place.

Business offers
Dear corporate client
We would be happy to work out an offer according to your wishes. Here you will find some ideas that we have already realized and implemented.
We are your partner when it comes to the topics, agility, team dynamics, health prevention and motivation, impulse speeches.
My completed trainings
Agile Coach/Scrum Master
Course instructor SVEB1
Life Coach
Short Term Coaching
NLP Certificate Course
Anxiety & Stress Management
Personal Life Coaching
Practical & Basic Psychology
Art Therapy
Commercial apprenticeship in travel agency
Isabelle Alexandra Voellmin
Life & Business Coach
Founder & Owner of Soulcenter
My Big 5 for live
A Adventure
L Liberty
O Open-minded
H Heart
A Authentic
Aloha is the Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mutual understanding of respect.
Own purpose of existence
To create new things authentically and creatively with people.