Isabelle A. Voellmin

1 Min.

Ketogenic diet

The idea behind the ketogenic diet is simple because the body gets almost no carbohydrates, the energy production from glucose is no longer sufficient. As an alternative source of energy, it now takes fats and thereby sets the so-called ketosis in motion.

For whom is the ketogenic diet suitable?

This form of nutrition can be useful to lose weight, in diabetes type one and two, in neurological diseases such as epsilepsy, multiple sclerosis, dementia, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, etc..

But also in cancer, digestive system disorders like Krohn's disease, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, fatty liver and in diseases like asthma, chronic bronchitis, various allergies and many more.

I have chronic gastritis and no gallbladder anymore. That is how I came to this form of nutrition.

Who also has experience with this diet?

I for myself must say it helps me a lot to do without carbohydrates.